Tyler and I have been talking a lot about personal tastes in photography. I think this picture is a pretty good example of how Tyler and I see things differently. Take the vignetting for instance. I love it. I think it helps direct the eye to the clouds - my "subject". Some photographers would be highly disappointed when they saw that their lens created this "old-timey" feel. While it certainly doesn't work for every shot - I really like it here. One other element we disagree on in the series of shots I took on the way to the park is the light poles. They drive him nuts. He prefers his shots to be as clutter-free as possible. While I tend to agree with him the majority of the time, I don't mind the "clutter" in this shot because it shows exactly what I want it to...we're walking in the 'burbs. Any thoughts from the peanut gallery???
I didn't even notice the light poles, I was drawn to the clouds! Great job!
I like how everything is directing your eyes to the clouds... the trees, the sidewalk, and even the poles. lol I love this pic!
you're so stinkin talented!
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