
September 03, 2010

Benjamin|Newborn Portraits|Overland Park KS

This is little Ben's 3rd time making my blog. I guess that's what happens when you're born 11 days after Mommy's maternity session. This guy was only 5 days old for his session. It was SO nice to get a chance to work with a newborn that was actually sleepy. He wasn't as curl-able as I had hoped (he's little, but very strong), but we still managed to get some ultra cute shots. I was chomping at the bit to use some of my ity-bity baskets. Just watch, this little guy's probably gonna grow up to be some line-backer...

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I seriously need to get a little girl on this blog...and soon. Any takers???


Maggie said...

Not gonna lie... he makes me want another one. And that's a very new feeling for me.

Annie said...

My little girl will be here December 14th. I hope the weather is good so maybe I can drive up to your house!