
October 04, 2010

Cody & Lizz|Kansas City Engagement Photography

It's only been 5 months since I did their senior pictures, and here they are again in front of my camera. This time, they come to me as a couple on their way to the altar. Make no mistake. They are young, but they're serious. Serious about each other. Serious about letting God grow them up together. Serious that they will beat the odds and every statistic out there that says they won't make it. They know they'll be broke. They know they'll have their ups and down. They also know they're God's best for each other. They know they are better together than they are apart. Their parents see it. Their friend see it. I can't wait until their April wedding when they can stand before God and make the promise of Forever.

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Unknown said...

Awesome pics! They are so beautiful. The couple looks so in love!!! aww:)

Maggie said...

Good for them! Marrying young isn't easy nor is it for everyone, but man is it good. Praise God for this couple! Gorgeous pics, Kami!

Koree said...

these are adorable! i didn't want them to end! so beautiful!