
September 01, 2010

Laura and Chad|Engagement Session|St. Louis MO

About 2 weeks ago, I made a trip to St. Louis for my very first photography workshop. It was way more than I anticipated. In fact, I'm still processing much of it - so I'll be leaving it for another post on another day.

One element I was really looking forward to was the mock engagement session we were able to shoot. This is Chad and Laura. They're a real life couple - but aren't really engaged. They were kind enough to let 30+ photographers crowd around them while being all mushy. Chad is a professional photographer himself, so he knew the drill.

The most challenging part of this session was being able to squeeze in there and get a shot before the moment passed, There came a moment that I just said to myself, "Alright, Kami. It's time to take the right-of-way." And that's what I did. I figured I hadn't driven 4 hrs to sit on the sidelines. I must say, I think it turned out well...

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If you like what you see and would like to schedule an engagement session of your own, shoot me an email!

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